CEM - December Update
You may not know the man in this picture, but - if you’re a part of Madison Church - You’re helping him and his family to reach people with the Gospel in Des Moines as they launch “Direction Church” with the goal of disciple making all across the city.
His name is Jared Nassiff and he is the leading the most recent Church Plant endeavor of Madison Church of Christ’s mission partner, Christian Evangelistic Mission (CEM). Direction Church launched as scheduled (actually a little early) despite all the challenges of 2020 you can hear an update on their endeavor in a video below.
Fun fact- his (Jared’s) parents are college friend with my (Joel’s) parents; small world, right?
“At CEM, we passionately desire everyone to have the freedom to connect with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. The way we accomplish this is by starting new independent Christian churches founded in the Restoration Movement. We want people to understand God’s great love for them, and consequently find freedom in Christ.”
CEM Is a church planting and support organization exclusively focused on the state of Iowa. They have planted over 20 Christian Churches in our state and have financially supported many others in times of need through developmental partnerships. Additionally they provide a support network and training for Christian Churches and pastors in our state.
Check out these recent videos from CEM
Here’s a Video of CEM director, Dave Fremstad, thanking their mission partners (us!)
Here’s an update from Jared and Rachell Nassiff on CEM’s latest Church plant, Direction Church in Des Moines
Here’s a Christmas note from CEM’s director, Dave Fremstad:
The Light of the World
"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12)Dear [Madison Church],
It is no mistake that Jesus referred to himself as the Light of the World. This befitting title was predicted hundreds of years before his miraculous birth, through the words of the prophet Isaiah.“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2)
It certainly has not been an easy year. History shows that many past years were incredibly dark – years of war, famine, disease, slavery, genocide, or mass hardships and natural disasters – when evil or lack of hope seemed pervasive.
A “land of deep darkness” can describe every nation or land at some point in history, but light penetrated the darkness at the dawn of a new era. Isaiah goes on to describe, in verse 6, the name of that light.Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
Of his greatness and reign, there is no end (Is 9:7). Of his kingdom, there is justice and righteousness (Is 9:7). Of his victory, there is no contender that can overcome him (John 16:33). Of his love for us, there is nothing in all creation that can ever separate us from him (Rom 8:38-39).His name is Jesus.
This Christmas and New Year season, we pray you will be renewed by hope, inspired by love, and thoroughly resting in the peace that you are His forevermore.
Merry Christmas from the CEM board and staff,
Dave, Tom, Chuck, Steve, Dennis, Chad, Tony, Suzi, Jule