“Sermon On the Mount” Winter/Spring 2025
“Worship Together 101” Fall 2024
“Sermon On the Mount” Winter/Spring 2025
what kind of peril do we face when we get comfortable on God’s bad side?
Brady Erickson Preaches Revelation 4-5
a special Sunday worship service where we remember our dear friend Tim Siemens who passed away from Covid that week
We take the Sunday after the 2020 derecho to talk about who gets into heaven
God’s word is the only certain and trustworthy truth in this world. let’s read it together in 2020
the Angels announced “Peace on earth to those on whom God’s favor rests”
Our November 17th worship service was devoted to praying for the persecuted Church around the world.
On Sunday, Novermber 10th, Salonique Adolphe, missionary to Haiti visited Madison Church and shared a message about reaching the lost
Elder, Brady Erickson shares about the justice of God from His word.
Elder Brady Erickson presents the text of the book of Ephesians in our worship service
Drew Fullmer is the director of Central Iowa Bible Camp. He shared a message with us @ Madison about the camp’s mission to teach children God’s word
Check out this fascinating experience that Edie had in the Holy Land
when tragedy struck our town, we cried out to God for justice, comfort, and victory
Madison Elder, Randy Reed, shares a message on the victory over depression that is ours in Christ
Madison Elder, Brady Erickson, Shares a message on truth and the Church
Mother’s Day at Madison
Christ is Lord
The kingdom of this world
is become
the kingdom of our Lord
and of His Christ, and of His Christ
and He Shall reign forever and and ever
We define faith before we set about defending it on our upcoming sermon series
what do we say to the charge that our faith is relative and unknowable?
how do we respond to the charge that science is the enemy of faith?
How do we respond to the attack that our faith should be kept private?
How do we respond to the attack that faith is unloving or bigotted?
How do we respond to the attack that faith is just not as much fun?
Immanuel was salvation for some, terror and peril for others
This was also our Kids Christmas Program Sunday
Christ came to fulfill Israel’s role in the covenant with God to bring light to all peoples
what would our savior have to endure for us?
The last installment of our Christmas in Isaiah series
Jesus has a life-changing conversation with Nicodemus
Jesus has a life-changing conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well
John’s message of Baptism was unique and ratified by Jesus himself
John the Baptist showed us what it meant to put Christ above our own personal ambitions
The angel appeared to shepherds and announced that they had received a “savior”
the angel appeared to shepherds and announced that they had receivied a “Messiah”
the angel appeared to shepherds and announce that they had received a “Lord”
in Galatians, we learn that we died to our life of sin and were given a new life in Jesus Christ
We have been set free from sin and the law so that we can be restored to what God made us to be
our flesh (sinful nature) is a war with the Spirit of God within us
The fruits of love and joy, are contrasted with the fleshly acts of hatred and fits of rage
we continue with the fruits love and Joy and talk directly about the words we speak, specifically when it is sinful to curse
Patience and Goodness Vs. Sexual Immorality, impurity & debauchery
the fruit of the spirit: peace, while we have our annual meeting
Goodness and kindness Vs Selfish ambition, jealousy, and envy
In Joel's final message in this series - Joel looks at Galatians 6:2 - "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ!" If you were to have all the fruits of the Spirit, but did not love your brother and sister in Christ, you will have missed the point of how to live as a follower of Christ!!!
God calls Paul and Barnabas out from the Church at Antioch to reveal the Gospel to the world
Paul’s first job was to explain the true purpose of Israel to the Jewish people in Crete
The world learns that the Gospel means their sins are forgiven
The power of miracles is given for* the ratification of the Gospel message
in Lystra, the world mistakes the power of the Gospel for their own, and then reject the gospel when they understand its implications
Paul and Barnabas return through the towns of their Journey to hand their mission over to the Church - a mission which we have received.
Paul and Barnabas quarrel over John Mark and break fellowship as the world strikes back against the Gospel
Samuel’s mother set an example of service to God for her son
Samuel serves God despite the evil and wickedness being exampled to him by his brothers.
God Called Samuel to serve in a difficult way. Samuel bore this burden to serve God
When Israel felt lost and needed a leader, Samuel stepped up to do it, because he was God’s servant
Israel rejects Samuel as their leader, but Samuel keeps serving them because he is God’s servant
When Saul and the Israelites disobey God, Samuel is there to tell them their error because he is God’s servant
Saul consults the witch of Endor to summon the deceased Samuel in violation of God’s commands
We serve in a greater time, and with a greater power than Samuel because Christ has inaugurated God’s kingdom
The Gospel is the good news that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead.
The Gospel defines how we experience life - especially how we suffer in life
The Gospel gives us all a mission that is worth spending the rest of our lives completing
what did Jesus mean when he said that he came to bring fire on the earth, and “not peace but division?”
Why did Jesus tell us to pluck out our eye or cut off our hand in Matthew 5?
Jesus delivered an ultimatum to us - forgive others or you will not be forgiven .
Why did Jesus tell a man in Luke 10 that he needed to sell everything he has and give it to the poor before that man could follow Jesus?
Jesus told us to take up our cross and follow him.
Jesus warned us to be ready for a judgement day when some will be damned.
God is viewed on his heavenly throne, and the Lamb approaches to unseal the scroll
the seven seal, trumpets, and bowls of Revelation spell doom from God for the wicked world
The beasts of Revelation represent the evil and darkness of the world which tries to tear us away from our faith
Christ’s victory is announced by a great multitude in Heaven
Christ is victorious over the powers of darkness and reigns forever
The global Church is organized into local congregations that the resurrected and glorified Christ knows by name
the Church is a heritage of faith, and we have quite a heritage here at Madison. Plus we hold our 2018 Annual Meeting during this service
the Church is a place of Fellowship & the Church’s fellowship has a purpose/direction
The church is a place of Worship, which we practice on Sunday morning
When one part of our body suffers , the whole body suffers, so we spent this day praying for the Persecuted Church
Resurrection is at the center of the Christian faith: First, Christ’s resurrection is an event in History
Resurrection means life beyond death for everyone. look closer at what this means
Resurrection means the ultimate defeat and relegation of evil and wickedness. this is the Sunday that the Farnum Family came to share their music with us
Finally, Resurrection means an eternity in Heaven with God
When Nehemiah learns that Jerusalem’s wall lie in ruin, he decides to do something about it.
Nehemiah perseveres through persecution to complete his service to God
Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem a second time and finds that the Israelites have fallen away from their commitment to God
How does our faith affect the way that we understand time?
How does our faith affect the way that we live in our families?
How does our faith effect the way that we live in our communities?
What does it mean to be at war with the world?
How does our faith effect the way that we consume entertainment?
How does our faith effect the way that we handle money