Madison Church of christ
Madison Church of Christ is a Protestant Church in the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement. We are non-denominational Christians whose only creed is Christ, and only doctrinal statement is the entire Christian Bible. We’re congregationally organized, which means that our Church is completely self-administered and funded.
Madison Church is beautiful, and you should come see it for yourself
We are located at the intersection of 140th St, and 350th Ave. Madison’s parsonage (Pastor’s house) sits across the road to the north (where this photo was taken from)
Madison Church is so-named because we are located in the Madison township of Poweshiek county, Iowa. Our building sits 7 miles North-West of Brooklyn, and about the same distance North-East of Malcom. Madison Church first started meeting in 1880. We have always been a rural, country Church.
Madison’s first Church building sat a 1/4 mile to the west of where the current building is located. It was our place of worship from 1891 to 1947
Our current Church Building was constructed from 1947-1949, and Madison completed a significant addition to the building in 2019.
At Madison, you can expect to find a welcoming and inclusive congregation of believers. Madison Church is growing; not because of any of any dynamic marketing strategy, and certainly not because of our location, but because of our faithfulness to the Gospel, and the movement of the God’s Spirit. Our weekly attendance average has climbed well over 100 and you will find our nursery, classrooms, and sanctuary full of children. Each week we meet to sing praises to our Lord and Savior and turn our hearts and minds to God’s word to know and live what it says. We want you to be a part of Madison Church. We invite you to come be a part of our centuries-long story of faithfulness to our king, Jesus Christ
Pastor Joel spoke about what kind of Church we are quite a bit in this Sermon from October 20, 2024
Here you can see the 2019 building addition (right-side) which includes handicap-accessable and upgraded restrooms, a big nursery, classrooms, & an elevator
a view of Madison’s sanctuary from the stage from 2019
a forward-facing perspective on Madison’s sanctuary with the Pulpit in (it’s removable and this is a rare shot!)
This is what our sanctuary looks like on Sunday mornings (perspective from the balcony)
Madison Church VBS 2019
202 people joined us to worship Jesus on Christmas Eve in 2019