Shiloh Christian Children's Ranch Update
Check out the latest update from Ken and Beth Penfield (Homeparents at Shiloh) who frequently write to Madison Church (see some of their letters on the bulletin board in our north foyer)
Shiloh Can Help Children Dream Big Because of Generous Giving
Hannah hopes to become a teen entrepreneur
Kim & Beth Penfield, Homeparents @ Shiloh - Kahoka, Mo.
As we came home from school the other day, one of the kids hollered, “LOOK! Our first pile of leaves!” Well, actually, there were maybe only about 20 or 30 brown leaves blowing into a small mound….. not enough to run and make a diving leap into, but still the “official” arrival of fall had made its impression!
After the 4H ended in August, the boys decided they wanted to take a break this year but the girls were ready to dive right back in. Since they didn’t get to have regular projects due to COVID limitations, they want to continue working on their rabbits, sewing, and photography. Both girls were re-elected into their offices. Rebekah did a great job last year as club recorder and will this year again, I am sure. Hannah learned a lot in her first year as treasurer, including the fact that did you know it involved MATH????!!!!! Hopefully, with her first year under her belt, this year will go a lot smoother (for this Momma even more than the treasurer “student”!)
The boys earned their hunter’s safety certification and are SO pumped to go out this fall. Pretty much every conversation talks about all the wild “food” they are going to contribute to the family table.
This half of the calendar is like a birthday bonanza at the Ps! Not sure who enjoys it more…our kids or our beloved Cohn neighbors who anxiously await their invitation to join us. (Love every chance we can have an “excuse” to get together and fellowship!) Hard to believe in September Martin turned 15!!!! WHAT?!?! He has definitely grown from that shy little boy who hid behind his sister when he arrived at our home. Then just a couple of weeks later, yet another 15 year old arrived in our home!!! She continues to expand her creative talents and lately has been knitting everything from scarves to blankets! (She and Hannah sit in the living room at nights, busily clicking those knitting needles effortlessly while carrying on conversations or watching a movie. Cracks me up!)
December will hold the rest of their birthdays and this year our teenager-wanna-be actually becomes one! Hannah will turn 13 at the first week then the other 15 year old makes his debut! Hannah is anxiously working on creating crocheted/knit products and hopes to become a young teen entrepreneur someday. Skye has a creative mind in everything from Legos to drawing to ideas for improving things. It will be interesting where that mind takes him in the future!
Before we know it, the leaves will all be gone and we will start to see snowflakes descending. Love the lessons that the change of seasons bring and the teachable moments that come with it. Just like the change of seasons, we see changes each time I write these in the children in our home. Thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers that help them through each season of life they face! n In His service, Ken & Beth Penfield and kiddos
Ken & Beth Penfield Thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers that help them through each season of life they face! Thank you for giving to Shiloh!