OPENING Up Madison Again
Phase 4
Beginning May 9, 2021
Phase 4 procedures will be in place beginning on May 9th and will likely continue for some time. The Church elders continue meeting regularly to discuss the safety of our public gatherings and the opportunities for in-person worship that we can safely host as a Church
Madison will still be hosting Sunday-morning worship live online as we have been for the last several months. A higher-quality service video is updated to our Church Youtube channel later in the week (usually Monday or Tuesday)
If we run out of room in the sanctuary, we’ll invite you to space out similarly in the basement (where the service will be playing on the TV.
There is 0.0 pressure for you to attend services in-person, during this phase, or any phase of reopening during this pandemic. We understand if you do not feel comfortable going to Church in-person during this time and we’re continuing to focus on our online Worship service so that you can still be a part of the Madison family through this time.
Phase 4 Safety Precautions
Anyone feeling even slightly ill should not attend in-person services at Madison or at Church events like youth group
Communion and offering trays will be passed. Hand sanitizer will be provided in each hymnal-rack for your safety and convenience
The use of masks is optional in our building
masks will be made available in each foyer for you to use
Questions you may have
How many phases are there to Madison’s re-opening plan?
Answer: There are currently 4 Phases in Madison’s reopening plan, the details of each are laid out but pending finalization just before we’re ready to enter each phase. We are willing to share these details with you if you request them, simply send an email stating as much to
Are you concerned about the safety of the people meeting at Madison Church for worship?
Answer: YES; We recognize the severity of this pandemic and the ease with which this virus spreads, and we remain committed to being a good-faith partner in our community’s effort to stop the spread and flatten the curve. For this reason we are using a phased reopening plan and taking extreme safety measures to make every reasonable effort to ensure that the virus does not spread at our gatherings.
If you have any questions or comments about Phase 1 or in-person worship at Madison Church of Christ, please complete the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.