Worship Service

Sunday, March 23

Our LIVE video will launch here at approximately 10:25 AM


A Message from Pastor Joel:

We’re so glad that you’re joining us for worship online! I’d love to connect with you. you can reach me by email church@madisonchurchofchrist.net

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The Lords Supper

During the service video above, there will be a time for communion

Communion was first celebrated by our Lord and His disciples in the upper room (Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:12-31, Luke 22:7-23). There they would have partaken of unleavened bread and wine. The Communion elements that you’re used to taking at Madison Church are likely not similar at all to what they ate that night. So since we’re all at home - at the indicated time in the service - use something like unleavened bread and something like juice or wine. Distribute it among your family, and prayerfully take it in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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The gifts of the Lord’s people

During the service video above, there will be a time for offering

God asked a tithe of his people, Israel, in the Old Testament (Leviticus 27:30-34) and the Church has received offerings from the very first accounts of its operation in the New Testament (Acts 2:45 & 4:32-37). Offering at Madison Church is a duty that we share as a Church-body. If you are a visitor, or just discovering Madison Church, please - instead of giving - contact us so that we can reach out and connect with you. At this point in the service, you can prepare and mail your offering to the Church (Madison Church of Christ. 3501 140th St. Brooklyn, IA 52211).



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Prayer List

Please keep these things in your prayers this week:

  • Rose Hendrickson - Cancer

  • Gary Whitsel - Cancer

  • The Persecuted Church

  • Israel - Justice and Peace

  • Jack Wang & Family - Treating a brain condition

  • All nursing home residents Barb Wilson, Judy Matthews, Margaret Dyer, Maxine Vanhoozer, & so many more who are connected to our Church family

  • Do you have a request that you would like our pastor and others to pray for? tell us about it here:

Bible REading Plan

Click the button below to open our Bible Reading Plan page in a new window