2020 Gospel Reading Plan
All of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, In Chronological order, over the year 2020
November 28 - December 5 (week #49)
John 19:1-16
Mark 15:16-20
Luke 23:26-33
John 19:19-27
Matthew 27:39-43
Opportunities for Further Reading, Week #49
Hebrews 13 – expands on the significance of Jesus suffering *outside* the city walls of Jerusalem
Hosea 9-14 – This prophecy of judgment and then mercy is quoted by Jesus as he is walking to Golgotha with his cross
Psalm 22 – Psalm full of cross-related elements
Lamentations 2 – Jerusalem said to be scoffed at as was Jesus in Mt. 27:39
Psalm 109 – people shook their head at David as they do Jesus in Mt. 27:39
December 6 - December 12 (Week #50)
Luke 23:36-43
Matthew 27:45-56
John 19:31-42
Matthew 27:61-66
Opportunities for Further Reading, Week #50
Psalm 22 & 69 – Both of these Psalms are referenced several times in the account of the crucifixion
Revelation 11 – The Kingdom referenced by the criminal is celebrated as arriving here
Amos 8 – The miraculous mid-day darkness of the crucifixion is prophesied here
Exodus 26 – The temple curtain which rips is described here
Hebrews 9 – reflection on Jesus crucifixion and worship at the temple (rel. to Mt. 27:45)
Deuteronomy 21 - Prohibition against leaving a dead body on a pole overnight is found here
Zechariah 12 – prophecy related to Christ’s crucifixion
December 13 - December 19 (Week #51)
Luke 24:1-8
John 20:2-18
Luke 24:13-36
Opportunities for Further Reading, Week #51
Psalm 16 – The element of Resurrection or deliverance from death is found here
Hebrews 2 – Related to Jesus’s words in Luke 24:26
Genesis 3 – The protoevangelium found here may be the teaching of Moses referenced in Luke 24:27
Isaiah 7 & 8 – The Immanuel prophecy in Isaiah is part of the testimony of the prophets
Psalm 39 – The burning hearts phenomenon experience in Luke 24:32 also occurs to the psalmist here
1st Corinthians 15 – Reflection on Jesus’s resurrection
December 20 - December 26 (Week #52)
John 20:19-31
Matthew 28:9-17
John 21:1-25
Opportunities for Further Reading, Week #52
2nd Corinthians 4-5 – Teaching about the resurrection of Jesus and our own resurrection to come
Ephesians 1-4 – instructions for the resurrection life and the role of the Church (rel. to John 21)
December 27 - December 31 (week #52.5)
Opportunities for Further Reading, Week #53
Acts 13 & 17-19 – The accounts of the Church’s mission work that we have not yet read.
Revelation 4-5 – The vision of God’s throne given to John where the resurrected, glorified Christ opens the scroll and receives praise – presumably subsequent to His ascension in Acts 1
Throughout 2020, Madison Church will be going through our very own gospel-in-a-year Bible reading plan. This reading plan will take us through the chronological account of Jesus life and ministry using texts from all four Gospels. This plan combines every event and teaching from the four Gospel accounts into one timeline from the introductory teaching of John, to the ascension of our resurrected Savior into heaven. This reading plan covers only 50 verses each week (on average). You could complete it reading 3 minutes each day, or just 20 minutes a week.
This is a reading plan for everyone. Even if you have never read from the Bible before and aren’t sure how, the easy and deliberate pace of this plan will allow you to follow along. I (Joel) will having my second-grade son do this reading plan together with us, and I know he can do it – you can too. We’ll talk about what we are reading on Sunday mornings, and share this year of the Gospel together as a Church.